
“Bluffies Canteen” is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Canteen Phone: 9923 6662 (8.30 am – 1.30 pm)

Ordering Lunches
Students must order their lunch before school or at recess time at the latest. The Canteen is a small business run by the P&C. They are unable to extend any credit facilities to any families. You are welcome to pay for lunches in advance, but please do not ask for lunches to be provided without payment accompanying the order.

Parents and caregivers are required to assist in the Canteen. Please see Ms Sue Williams to offer your support. We welcome helpers.

Canteen Menu
Our school is in line with the Department of Education “traffic light” system which encourages students to consume healthy and fresh foods. Orders are to be written on an envelope or lunch bag, obtainable from the Canteen, with the students name and room number with the correct amount enclosed.

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